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Facebook News Feed Changes’ IMPACTS

Today is Facebook’s 14th birthday, so I thought It was the day for me write this article and jump live on Facebook.

Do you feel a little lost in the fog currently because of all the things you hear about the new Facebook’s News Feed algorithm?

Are you eager to know more what to do with Facebook marketing?


What’s Facebook doing?

For a better understanding of how Mark Zuckerberg is trying to reshape  Facebook, make sure you read his first announcement back in January 2018.

Today feels a lot like that first year. The world feels anxious and divided, and Facebook has a lot of work to do — whether it’s protecting our community from abuse and hate, defending against interference by nation states, or making sure that time spent on Facebook is time well spent.

My personal challenge for 2018 is to focus on fixing these important issues. – M. Zuckerberg |Facebook

Then a few days later, things are even clearer:

As we roll this out, you’ll see less public content like posts from businesses, brands, and media. And the public content you see more will be held to the same standard — it should encourage meaningful interactions between people. – M. Zuckerberg | Facebook

Everyday, there is a new piece added to the puzzle, though.

What’s the Facebook Algorithm?

I’m not gonna pretend I am an expert at the algorithm. But for sure, Facebook decides what post each Facebook user will see each and everyday. If there was no filter, we could see more than 1500 posts in our News Feed.

So Facebook uses filters to determine what makes your News Feed or not. Here are some parameters for this secret formula. Apparently, the filtering process is based on all the posts that could be offered to you (the inventory), then they detect where it’s posted from (mobile device, desktop etc. – the placement), then what time the post is posted at, and of course whose post it is etc. Then it analyses the probabilities of interactions that people could have with the post (how many people jump on this post, how many interactions occur…etc)… As you see there are so many factors. These were just a few examples.

And this algorithm will impact not only Facebook Pages but all Facebook Profiles- which means all of us among the 2 billions monthly Facebook users.

Impacts for Facebook Users

Again, I’m just sharing what I’ve been gleaning all over the place in the last 3 weeks. Some of my sources are very trusted. This is why I can’t keep it for myself.


Facebook users! Yes, you as an individual on Facebook! Your time to be quiet seems to be over. No more just watching time. Actually I love that, so many people are just here to look at what we do online and never share their opinion, emotions, feelings… What’s the point of being on social media. Is this voyeurism… ?

From what I understood, Facebook wants people to express themselves more and talk to their friends or peers more in the comments, or by sharing via Messenger or on their Facebook profile.

You see where I’m going for Facebook pages?

Impacts for Facebook Pages

I think it’s pretty clear that if Facebook Users have to be more vocal, Facebook Pages have to ignite more discussions and interactions among their audience.


And yes, clicking bait for more engagement will be to avoid…no more asking for likes, comments, tagging or shares in exchange of a giveaway for example.

It will be a challenge for some Facebook business pages to get away from this giveaway system and still get authentic interactions below their posts. From what I understand, Facebook will be measuring not only people’ s interactions about the post but also how much people interact with each other under that same post, or when a person will share it on their page or in Messenger… Well, interactions, discussions etc. will be prioritized big time.

And yes, Facebook said there will less room for brands in the News Feed. But still, videos and live videos especially – because they ignite conversation quickly – will probably still have a place in the News Feed. Plus, if we can get our audience to share our business posts with their friends, adding their own comments on their profile, this should help Facebook business pages to be more visible.

In other words, we have to turn our current Facebook fans into fierce and raving ambassadors. So fierce, they can’t resist and share our business posts with their friends.

In this video, you’ll learn more about what you could do to test the new News Feed algorithm. Tell me what you think in the comments as we can all learn from each others.

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– Angélique

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