Paid, Earned and Owned Traffic Explained

Are you struggling with attracting new people to your business?

Maybe you’re wondering if you should be posting more, creating more content… But you really don’t have time for this, right!?

In this short tutorial, I want to bring your attention to traffic. Traffic is what makes your business grow or stay stagnant.


Three types of traffic

In order to get more traffic – meaning more people to discover you, interact with you, give you their email, and finally buy from you- you can play 3 games.

  • Game one – You can earn traffic
  • Game two – You can buy traffic
  • Game three – You can own traffic

What is earned traffic?

It’s basically the content you create on your website, Search Engine Optimization, or any platform that you manage as well as the platforms that talk about you (that you didn’t pay).

When you show up on someone else’s platform (podcast, video interviews, articles in media or blogs etc.) Note: you can call it earned media as well.

Note: even if you can be a guest on someone platform for FREE (sometimes though you have to pay), then it becomes paid traffic after the fact.

For example, if people buy your program or services or products after watching your interview with a podcaster or YouTuber or on Facebook, chances are your host will get a commission on it. (It’s not always the case, but this is what we call affiliate marketing).

If you’re looking for what type of content to share online to showcase your expertise, help your audience and attract new buyers, you can grab my social media calendar right here for free.

What is paid traffic?

It’s anything you pay…for example, Facebook ads, Pinterest ads, Instagram ads, Google ads etc, Most of the time you will leverage your earn traffic with paid traffic to build retargeting audiences.

What is owned traffic?

It is YOURS. Basically, it’s your email list. You can download it on your desktop, nobody gonna take it away from you. Sometimes you will hear that your audience on Facebook and Instagram etc. is owned.

I would argue that it’s half-owned unless all these people gave you their emails. So which one should you build? I like to say the 3 of them are good to start building as they are complementary.

How can you start working on traffic?

Here are few things you can do to start building:

  • Share valuable information with your ideal clients once a week on YouTube, or LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram – I call this your signature content.
  • Could you build 3-6 posts a week about this weekly Signature content and post them on social media, linking back to them to showcase your expertise and help your people. Literally, you take the same content and repurpose it in smaller chunks.
  • Who are the podcast hosts or entrepreneurs with a slightly larger social media following than yours who could interview you about your programs? Start a list of 10 and make sure that every day you show up on their platforms to comment under their post and show them some love, and develop a relationship.
  • Start building your email list by providing free content people can access easily (a free PDF, a free video or mini-course, a cheat sheet, a live course)
  • Learn about advertising and see how you could start applying small testing amounts of money to amplify your message on Facebook or Instagram.


The most important thing you need to take into consideration is that it takes a lot of time to build traffic. This is why you have to start today and enjoy each step of the way and look at all the possibilities.

This is how you can start:

  • Earn traffic on your content as well as on others’ platforms
  • Buy traffic with Facebook ads
  • Own traffic as a result of Earned and Paid traffic.

By the way, I talk about how to start with Facebook ads in a new FREE guide. It’s totally free. After you received it, you also get an opportunity to learn more with me about Facebook ads at a very low cost – meaning less than the price of going out to a restaurant with your family.

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