When I was a young mum, I lost my job twice.

When I was a young mum, I lost my job twice.

For most people, it means the end of all – I felt like this the first time. I was scared, stressed to the max, literally grabbing even penny  on the floor to make sure we’ll have enough for the next grocery list. Plus I felt like a failure. 

The second time, I decided to become the hero of my story and build my own business and use social media to position myself, share my message online and meet my first clients. Guess what, I not only got my first clients but I also got a job as a paid media strategist.

An experience like that teaches you a lot. I believe all of us have a great opportunity around us. And if we’re not paying attention, those opportunities will pass us by because it’s easy to make excuses. So I want to make sure I make my life about my mission now. 

I’m Angélique Binet and I run Social Media Love. I am on a mission to spiral the number of women entrepreneurs who want to share their message with millions online, even when they feel small, not enough and scared.  

And the reason why it is my mission is because I firmly believe that women currently have a historical advantage to take control of their influence back thanks to digital platforms where gender equity has no boundary. 

I’m also the host of Social Media Love Live Show on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. 

Let’s talk about you. I’d be very happy to help you regain control of your Facebook and Instagram ads.   

What’s your current relationship right now with social media marketing? Let me know below. I so want to learn more about you and why you read my blog.

WHO’S ANGÉLIQUE BINET ? Angélique Binet is a social media marketing consultant and coach for women entrepreneurs & speakers, founder of Social Media Love, as well as a paid media strategist for the province of New Brunswick (Canada). She was a French newspaper journalist and Canadian TV reporter. Raised on a farm in France, Binet is a graduate of La Sorbonne University in Paris, and King’s College University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

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